Safely integrated on-chain and off-chain asset with DIA’s xProof collateral-checked, fair-value price feeds.
Instead of leveraging exchange data to price asset, DIA leverages on-chain information to create “fair-value” price oracles.
DIA xProof oracles evaluates the asset’s collateral ratio, to improve transparency and reduce the risk of market price manipulation.
xProof feeds can be custom-built for any asset tyoe for any protocol on any network, on- or off-chain.
This requires the deposited volume of the base token and the volume of minted derivatives.
Both metrics are read on-chain from the smart contract of the staking protocol.
DIA’s price feeds are calculated using trade data from multiple high volume exchanges.
Prices are determined by filtering market outliers and applying transparent pricing mechanism.
xProof feeds can be deployed on any of DIA’s 55+ integrated L1 and L2 networks.
Users can customize oracle parameters such as update mechanism and frequency.
DIA xProof feeds vastly improve the capability and trust of assets on-chain.
Connect with the DIA community and get help.