Partnership with Arka Finance
We are thrilled to announce that Arka has officially integrated DIA’s price and xRandom oracles to support its Gamified DeFi protocol on Polygon.

Introducing Arca Finance
Arka is a Gamified DeFi protocol built on top of Polygon, aligning economic interests between devs, creators, and players for the creation of a sustainable long-term distributed DeFi ecosystem and creator economy. Arka aims to encompass classic DeFi functionality with a new gamified touch. This way, retail investors can combine investing with gamified DeFi like dual options, lotteries and crash games, offering new and innovative options to the regular joe.
Arka Integrates DIA Price and Randomnes Oracles
We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Arka, to support the GameFi protocol on Polygon with transparent and reliable oracle services. DIA is officially supporting Arka’s on-chain operations with price and randomness oracles.
On one hand, DIA is delivering oraclised data feeds for a variety of digital asset prices. These price feeds will include the moving average of assets ASTAR, BTC, USD, MATIC, DOT and GLMR, and will support Arka’s Dual options.
On the other hand, DIA has deployed a dedicated randomness oracle on Polygon for Arka. The oracle will power the lottery smart contracts of Arkas’ platform in a distributed and verifiable manner.

A Transparent Oracle Delivery
These requirements were transferred to DIA by submitting a DIA Custom Delivery Request (CDR) via the DIA DAO Forum and is publicly available to everyone. The Arka Finance CDR provides users with transparency on how the price data feeding the protocol is built.